Saturday, June 4, 2016

About TDO

I am TheDiamondOcelot or also refer as MaddiTDO,

I am the Leader of TheOcelots and I have to admit, we Ocelots are pretty awesome! I love hanging with MaddieTGO and ArielTRO, and playing Minecraft along with them. I always use diamond tools and armor along with other diamond stuff. I LOVE DIAMONDS! I have had lots of fun chilling out with the other members, and I hope they do too. I mean, we are best friends, right? Anyway, that's some stuff about me!
P.S. Plz check out our channel when it comes out! Have fun!

About TGO

I am TheGoldenOcelot or considered as MaddieTGO,
I am the second member of TheOcelots and I love playing Minecraft with the other Ocelot members, MaddiTDO and ArielTRO. I usually use Gold tools and armor, or gold items in general! I have lots of fun with the others, and I'm sure they do too!